# Testing and Debugging

# Debugging

# Visual Studio Code

See the VSCode debugging recipe for information on debugging the main and renderer process in Visual Studio Code (opens new window).

# Renderer Process (Main App)

You can debug the renderer process using Vue Devtools (opens new window). Vue Devtools are automatically installed for you (powered by electron-devtools-installer (opens new window)). You can also use the Chrome debugger (opens new window).

# Main Process (Background File)

First, read Electron's instructions (opens new window) for debugging the main process. Before launching Electron through your debugger, run electron:serve in debug mode with the --debug argument. This will prevent Electron from launching automatically and enable source map support. Have Electron target your output directory (dist_electron by default) by passing it as an argument (ie electron --inspect=5858 dist_electron).


If you are testing with Spectron (opens new window), make sure to set process.env.IS_TEST to true. This will prevent dev tools from being loaded which results in errors.

# Testing


If you don't want to use Spectron, you can still use this function, just set noSpectron to true

Before continuing, read about Spectron (opens new window). This guide assumes basic knowledge about using Spectron.

vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder exports a testWithSpectron function. This function will run electron:serve, but instead of launching electron, a new Spectron Application will be created and attached to the dev server. This can be used to run e2e tests with Spectron.

// This example uses Jest, but any testing framework will work as well
// Jest tests MUST run in the node environment, add this to the top of each electron test:
 * @jest-environment node
const spectron = require('spectron')
const { testWithSpectron } = require('vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder')

test('a window is created', async () => {
  // Only v2.0+ require you to pass spectron as an arg
  const { stdout, url, stopServe, app } = await testWithSpectron(spectron)
  // stdout is the log of electron:serve
  console.log(`electron:serve returned: ${stdout}`)
  // url is the url for the dev server created with electron:serve
  console.log(`the dev server url is: ${url}`)
  // app is a spectron instance. It is attached to the dev server, launched, and waited for to load.
  expect(await app.client.getWindowCount()).toBe(1)
  // Before your tests end, make sure to stop the dev server and spectron
  await stopServe()

Complete examples are available for jest (opens new window) and mocha (opens new window). They will be automatically added with this plugin if you have jest or mocha already installed in your project.

testWithSpectron takes a config argument. That config argument has properties as defined:

const spectron = require('spectron')
const { testWithSpectron } = require('vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder')

  // Import of spectron, only required for v2.0+
  noSpectron: false, // Disables launching of Spectron. Enable this if you want to launch spectron yourself.
  noStart: false, // Do not start Spectron app or wait for it to load. You will have to call app.start() and app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded() before running any tests.
  forceDev: false, // Run dev server in development mode. By default it is run in production (serve --mode production).
  mode: 'test', // Set custom Vue env mode.
  spectronOptions: {} // Custom options to be passed to Spectron. Defaults are already set, only use this if you need something customized.


Make sure to update spectron along with electron. See the spectron version map (opens new window) to determine what version of spectron you should be using.

# Regular Unit Tests Using Electron's Version of Node

If you have a native dependency (like better-sqlite3) you might have problems running jest and get native dependency node version conflict errors.

To resolve this, run your Jest tests in the same version of node that electron uses. It's a bit hacky, but this works well:

TEST_MODE=1 ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE=1 ./node_modules/electron/dist/electron ./node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js

You can set this as test:unit in your package.json to use this by default instead of the default command. This is used by Beekeeper Studio (opens new window).